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6 Secret Restaurant Marketing Tips To Fill These Huge Sales Opportunities & Replaces Losses That Every Restaurant Faces
- Do you think most people like to try a new place out not knowing if they will like the food or experience, or like to stick with who they know they like?
- Ok, let’s say they know they like you. But they also like 5 other places equally for various types of food. How do you get them to come to your place more often than the others?
- If a local person recognizes your name, but still haven’t stopped because they are uncertain what they will experience, how do you incentivize them to finally give you a chance… to show them how good you are?
- Consistency in quality and service as we know is crucial for restaurants to keep their customers. But with all the turnover in chefs and waiters which most experience, how do you keep from losing any customers?
- Then how do you get them back once you’ve lost them… to give you a second chance? Or get them out of the habit going to your competition?
- Statistically 17% of your local neighborhood moves away from you each year that you can’t control. So how do you get new ones to replace those lost regulars?
THE SOLUTION – Target and Personally Reach out to all your existing customers and the best prospects in your area through the mail. Yes the mailbox because you can be sure to reach everyone desired directly. But Target them during their birthday month with select demographics using just the right offers and you’ll maximize all the New Faces to offset any and all these lost sales categories and new sales opportunities. It’s amazing! Since birthdays are once a year, it ensures you reach all these customer types at least once a year to try and get their business, or get their business back. Creating a customer list with strategic marketing helps prevent losing customers as well, and can help build stronger customer relationships if it is done right.
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