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Why Direct Mail is the Best Restaurant Marketing for New Customers
Direct Mail can be a very viable restaurant marketing method to use for getting customers outside your business to visit you. It also enables you to reach those that are not in any customer marketing list you may have now. At the most, in-house customer marketing lists could include up to 20% of your potential primary market share prospects, and only 5% of totally dining options in your neighborhood.
Digital marketing can be a very viable method with lots of diversity to do promotional marketing for restaurants which is great, but what about all the rest. Huge missing sales gap opportunity I see most restaurants missing. Direct Mail for Restaurant marketing can by far be the best way to reach all of your other potential market share if it’s done right.
Birthday Mailers have proven to generate approximately 4x to 6x more response as a reason for someone to get the mail, then any other direct mail marketing except for New Movers and New Resident marketing which is very viable too, but limited only to those people. WE have the ability to do them all.
Direct Mail, Birthday Mailers with our Birthdays for business program - spelled Birthdays 4 Business - Digital Marketing which includes Email Marketing and Mobile Marketing, and Wi-Fi Marketing, and New Mover Direct Mail Marketing. All customizable. So, it’s not a question of “what’s better”, but rather where and when is the best way to use any or all of them. WE offer FREE overall advertising and marketing evaluations to determine this for you based on your goals, budget and business capacity. The best birthday marketing is to send a personalized, tangible birthday card to potential prospects using our data base that is compiled from 5 different sources of self-registered public record data.
Birthday Cards Make People Happy
The USPS says 97% of consumers enjoy getting birthday cards, which applies to thank you cards as well, because of the emotional connection with them. They also say only 22% of consumers enjoy getting saturation mail, commonly referred to as junk mail because consumers know when they see the booklet that it’s just someone trying to sell something. Some price shoppers will always look, but statistically if we use the USPS 22% figures as a guide, that means to me that 78% are potentially thrown away even though it costs less per household to mail it to them. Plus, personalized birthday card mailers they keep and remember longer vs digital happy birthdays that’s forgetting right after they open up the email if they even did to begin with. That means tangible birthday cards offer long lasting memory branding of your company in a positive, caring way, which is another huge benefit other direct mail and other advertising in general typically doesn’t offer as a benefit. So, birthday mailers are absolutely the best way to get new customers, get lost customers back, and to offer rewards for loyalty to existing customers…. all-in-one. No other restaurant marketing accomplishes this from one simple birthday card that’s usually under $1 each to achieve this.
We’ve created ways to use direct mail marketing for other benefits from the same mailer which include return on investment tracking, and building data bases for email marketing, mobile and text marketing, and follow-up direct mail marketing. Again, all together as additional benefits from using our birthdays for business (birthdays 4 business) direct mailers, which in their entirety are unlike any others in the marketplace since we created them back in 2004. The perfect restaurant marketing solution and retail marketing solution for most. Our birthday mailers can work well for any retailer who wants new customers also. Because again they are personalized and allow you to select and target anyone and/or everyone that are your best candidates to potentially get them to your door or do business with them.
How We Work
We use special post card mailers we designed with 2 pop-out gift cards for offers, so they can be used for more than one visit, and so the consumer doesn’t have to open up anything when they receive it in the mail. You have 2 seconds for them to decide if they want to keep or pitch any mail, so this helps ensure it gets read to start with. 5.5 x 8.5 is the perfect size so it’s not too big and bulky to keep, but larger than a #10 envelope so they see their name and Happy birthday written above the other mail pieces when carrying it in. Birthday marketing with Birthdays for Business (birthdays 4 business) has perfect the best all-in-one value in our mailers as mentioned. You get the most response, and our proprietary tracking called NETPro allows you to know what you’re making and who you’re making it from with built-in automated digital marketing follow-up if desired. The best restaurant marketing solution by far overall. The Best Rewards Program you can offer a consumer is to send them a birthday card once a year to thank them for their patronage. This makes them feel special, and like more than a number to your business if it’s done right and if the offers don’t sound like coupons which is very important.
Our Formula for Success
We’ve created a special formula for wording of offers and discount amounts to generate the highest return on investment using het lowest discounts possible. You can offer too much or too little to get great birthday mailers results and we know what that is, so you can invest with profits right away vs testing various things. Birthdays are the best rewards program incentive you can offer someone using direct mail or using digital marketing. In my next blog, let’s talk about huge Digital Marketing benefits that can work great for promotional marketing and coordinate well with Direct mail.
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